Remember to Laugh

I must have had a shocked and bewildered look on my face because as I walked by his truck he started busted up laughing - so much so that it stopped me dead in my tracks.

I had gone to Publix to try and find something for someone who could not get to the store only to discover that, not only were they out of that item but the line to check out was wrapped around the inside of the store. I determined three things to be true. First, there was no way on earth I needed anything bad enough to wait in a line like that. Second, I would rather give most of what I have away than stand in a line like that.

What is the third thing? Remember to laugh. The news can be pretty overwhelming and it will depress you more deeply than you realize. I stood at his truck (at a social distance) and we laughed together and spoke of our hope for calmer, brighter days. It was a pretty need experience.

What do we do if we are to stay encouraged and optimistic? Here is what I have done and I hope it serves as a catalyst for some things that will bring a smile to your face.

  • Hee Haw, “Gloom, Despair & Agony on Me” videos. They make me laugh but you might need to be over 45 to appreciate them.

  • Abbott & Costello, “Whose on First?” Classic humor

  • Everybody Loves Raymond, All 9 seasons. That series hits close to home.

  • Praise & Worship Music. It doesn’t make me laugh so much as it gives me hope.

  • Any of the Psalms. 

The point is to move your attention from the tough stuff to anything that brings you joy, to that which lifts your spirit to the heavens. 

In these tough times, remember to take time to laugh.